
The Sewer utility provides for the collection of all wastewater and industrial waste discharged into our system.  Your sewer usage charges are based off of your water usage.  For example, if you use 3,000 gallons of water in a month, you will be charged for 3,000 gallons of sewer.


In 2008-2009, the Village went through facility improvements on the WWTP.  Please see the information below on the new and improved WWTP.

Wastewater Treatment Plant 




Wastewater from homes and industry enters the treatment plant via a 30 inch and a 24 inch pipe nearly 18 feet and 25 feet below the ground respectively.  Large debris is removed from the wastewater in the first treatment stop by an automatic bar screen.  Small, heavy solids such as sand and coffee grounds are settled and removed in a grit chamber following the bar screens.

The wastewater is then pumped to a large tank called an oxidation ditch, where micro organisms are given the right conditions to treat the waste.  some of these conditions include the right amount of time, oxygen, pH levels, and micro organism populations adequate to treat the waste. The water remains in this tank for approximately 24 hours before the flow is divided and sent to two other tanks called clarifiers.

Clarifiers are the tanks where treated waste is allowed to settle.  here treated waste settles to the bottom where it is either sent to a storage tank to await disposal or sent back to the oxidation ditch to provide the right population of micro organisms to treat the incoming waste.  Clear water rises to the top of the clarifiers and goes over a weir before it travels to a disinfection building.

Once at the disinfection building, water travels through a channel where it is exposed to ultra violet (UV) lamps.  This UV exposure mutates the cell walls of any pathogenic organism, essentially destroying them.  After the water has been treated by the UV system, it goes down a series of aeration steps before entering a tributary of the Rubicon River.