Washington County Transit Services
Slinger Advancement Association
Contact: Larry Gundrum - (262) 644-5866
Purpose: Promotion of the Village of Slinger and its business and industry.
Major Events: Brat Fry & Car Show
Slinger Community Group
- Contact: Dennis Wolf - (262) 644-0448
- Purpose: To promote Slinger s a place to work and live.
- Major Event: Easter Egg Hunt
Friends of the Parks
- Contact: Josh Feller- (262) 644-5265
- Purpose: Improve and support Slinger's Parks through volunteer time and fundraising.
- Major Event: Calendar of Ca$h raffle
If you would like your group or organization added to this list or wouldlike to change contact information, contact Tony Dobson at 644-2620 or tdobson@vi.slinger.wi.gov