Planning & Zoning

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Planning & Zoning

The Village of Slinger's planning function is carried out by the Planning Commission and is supported by Village Staff.  The Commission is established under State Statutes and consists of the Village President, a Village Trustee, and five citizen members appointed by the Village President.  The primary role of the commission is to review and approve matters that affect the use of land in the Village and to implement the Village Comprehensive Plan.  Consequently, the Commission deals with matters such as zoning, land subdivisions, site architecture, plan approvals, and the creation of regulations related thereto.

Zoning is the regulatory mechanism which controls the use of land.  The State of Wisconsin grants broad power to municipalities to create and implement zoning regulations related to the use of land and waters and the placement of buildings therein.

Village Planner

Professional community planners, contracted by the Village, provide technical assistance to the Planning Commission at their monthly meetings and to citizens, builders, and developers as needed.  The Village Planner holds office hours at Village Hall every Thursday.  The Planner will meet with citizens, builders, and developers on a first come, first serve basis from 9am - noon during office hours.  Scheduled meetings may be reserved during office hours, or outside of office hours if need be, by emailing or calling the Planner.

Contact information for our Village Planners:

Orrin Sumwalt, AICP (Foth)
Jeff Muenkel, AICP CEcD (Foth)
300 Slinger Rd
Slinger, WI 53086
(262)644-5265 x108
NOTE:  The Village Planner is a hired part-time consultant for the Village.  The Planner looks to correspond to email and phone calls as soon as possible, however correspondence is mainly reserved for Tuesdays and Thursdays of a given week.


Comprehensive Plan