Building Inspection

Building Code Information


In the Village of Slinger, construction regulations are found in Chapter 215 of the Village code entitled, building construction. This chapter provides certain minimum standards, provision, and reqirements for safe and stable structural design; methods of construction, and uses of materials in buildings and/or structres erected, constructed, enarged, altered, repaired, moved, converted or demolished. It also regulates the equipent, maintenance, use and occupancy of all such building and/or structures.


Building codes are enforeced in the Village to protect and foster the health, safety, and well-being of persons occupying or using such buildings and the general public. The provisions in Chapter 215 of the Village code supplement the Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to construction and use and any other zoning amendments thereto.

Online Payment


Inspector's Hours:  

Jeremy Pfeifer
No office hours before 8am
Monday - Thursday 7am - 3pm
Friday 7am - 12pm

To schedule an appointment or inspection with the building inspector please call the Village Hall at (262)644-5265.

Permit Form Applications